Archive: The start of an addiction

Update 2014This was the beginning of this blog slowly turning into my personal journey with all thing's Nanae's Chrono's Peacemaker Kurogane. I used to write more about my personal life, fashion or music but I've decided to make this my Shinsengumi outlet with a slightly strange name.
"Ma Petite Prinsesse" should perhaps be taken like a reference to"Ribbon Knight" by Tezuka or "The Happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde, which might still have you wonder whatever those have to do with the Shinsengumi. It might be the warrior prinsesse aspect a reverence to my love for 
jidaigeki (period dramas). If you rather inspect the Happy Prince I'd say it's my flair for the dramatic.
But if you feel like it do indulge in my innocent writings of 2009

The start of an addiction

The Doujinshi I bought on ebay arrived today. I couldn't be more excited.

I don't think I've mentioned it yet but I'm a huge fan of the manga (and anime) Peacemaker Kurogane. I've been so since last Spring. Peacemaker kurogane is a historical fiction series written and illustrated created by Nanae Chrono. The story takes place in 19th century of Japan before the Meiji Restoration, a chain of events that led to enormous changes in Japan. The story follows the boy protagonist, Tetsunosuke Ichimura, who joins the Shinsengumi seeking  to avenge his parents' death at the hands of a Chōshū rebel. It's the most beautiful and tragic manga I ever read. Nanae Chrono isn't even near the end yet, but since the whole story is based on real history I know how it's going to end. Back to the douijnshi this is the first one I ever bought of Peacemaker and I'm just trilled.

And today my doujinshi arrived. 

Isn't it a beautiful picture of Okita? It sparkles Haha.

Isn't it the cutest? I really like the drawing style of this doujinshika!

Sometime I'd like to write you all some more about doujinshi, I can promise you haven't seen the end of this yet.

1 comment:

  1. OKAY! Finally got around to commenting.
    THAT DOUJINSHI LOOKS TOO AWESOME ;A; The drawing style indeed looks good! Baaah, I should watch more peacemaker... >_< Aftert this week, I WILL HAVE TIME and I WILL WATCH! Tsehehe~ School is evil... t'has been killing me too obviously >: Bomb it?

    Also! About the other two posts... YOU CAN DO IT; YOU CAN WAAIITTT! >:V You'll make it, k, go go go! And you know how I think about the matter in that pretty language... I hope you haven't had other problems with that person recently ;A;


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